About me

I’ve always felt a pull towards psychology and philosophy. Inevitably, I came across the works of thinkers like Lacan, Jung, and Freud and philosophers like Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Plato and Socrates. I have also been reading about mythology, archetypes and the Tarot as a tool to connect to my intuition and work with energy and as a self-knowledge tool. After seeing amazing results in my own life, I decided I wanted to put this knowledge in service to others.
I am adept of psychoanalysis and believe strongly that the way to happiness is self-knowledge. However, the classic methods of therapy and psychoanalysis are not for everyone for many reasons.
The search for your truest self is the key to a better life regardless of gender, ethnicity, social background or lifestyle, and there are many ways to achieve clarity when it comes to this goal of “unmodifying” yourself, de-program yourself to finally feel free of Ego constructions and close to your true essence. One of these methods, which can be used in parallel to classic therapy or by itself (if you don’t feel comfortable with regular therapy work), is focusing on energy reading, your own energy through this fascinating tool that represents archetypes within the human journey.
For decades, our society has gradually disconnected people from achieving clarity and using their intuition. We have forgotten how to thrive in our struggle to survive under late-stage capitalism. Think about big cities, the food industry, the big pharma industry, most work choices and possibilities (chosen or imposed) and habits we were forced to adopt and subject to in order to survive.
Take a moment every month for a tarot spread and detect what your current energy is, confirm where you need to focus, and what needs to be left behind. Or take a moment every day to reflect by taking one “Major Arcana card of the day”, as well as daily affirmations and weekly energy cleanse, which will lead to better choices, healthier habits and investing in yourself.
It has been extremely rewarding being able to help others, and it was exactly what I wanted and needed since I am an empathic, sociable, people-oriented woman with a heart that has always been clearly happier in the love I feel and give rather than in the love I inspire. A desire to give, which on the surface seems altruistic, but when looked at in-depth, it is also egoistical since giving to others fills my soul with joy and a rewarding feeling of accomplishment.
To give wholesome love, we need to have love to give. When I put myself first on this self-knowledge and self-love journey when I prioritised my needs and desires, my relationship with my own family flourished, and the love I give nowadays to myself, my family, my friends and my clients is stronger than ever.
I am at your disposal to work together and find the best ways for you to start your journey towards the life you have always desired.
I studied at university to be a translator, but office life never brought me any form of joy.
I still work part-time, but my work as a Tarot reader has grown amazingly since it is a passion and the most fulfilling activity in my life.
Daniela Pessoa.