Types of reading
I work mainly with the Mythic Tarot, Rider Waite, and several oracles as complements, depending on the area of your life on which you wish to focus.
I suggest a Celtic Cross (Croix Celte) for a self-knowledge reading combined with the Kuan Nin or Ankaa oracle.
A Mandala to look into all aspects of your life, plus the Kuan Nin oracle or any of my numerous love oracles.
An Afrodite Temple as love reading combined with a Love oracle.
A Mandala and an Afrodite Temple to look in depth at your life and love life combined with a love oracle.
I can combine different readings of your choice with Oracles of your choice if you have any preferences (I think the oracle and the reading chosen are appropriate to your request).
A Celtic Cross plus “Conscious versus Subconscious” reading to look into your energy in depth when you have important decisions to make and the Law of Attraction reading to target the type of energy you are attracting into your life and how to shift this energy in case of need and start attracting all the best for you in every area of your life.
The “Manifestation” spread, the “Conscious versus Subconscious“, the “Three-card questions and the “Best Path spread” can be used as complements for any readings.
As mentioned in precedent pages: a Tarot consultation isn’t an attempt at predicting the future. Instead, it should be focused on guidance, connecting the cards to your energy and mindset to help you understand where you are in life and where you would ultimately like to be.
Fate is fluid. We have free will and the choices we make in the present change what the future has in store. We craft our own reality, and a skilled reader will help you to use the oracle as a self-knowledge tool, providing clarity and encouragement, assisting you in achieving, conquering, prospering and being happy in any area of your life.
Holistic coaching
Holistic coaching is made for those people who cannot adapt to classic therapy (for any reason) or to be used combined with therapy. If you need to choose, I always advise classic therapy First and coaching once you have managed to achieve clarity regarding old trauma and done a good amount of inner work.
Holistic coaching aims to provide immediate help and support and optimize your days to achieve your goals. I help you with momentary and pressing matters and relieve anxiety and any energy that no longer serves you, while therapy provides deeper inner work and helps you deal with trauma and emotions—two different but complementary ways to work in yourself.
Here are some examples of coaching:
I propose coaching if you have a precise goal in life and need help optimizing your plans, as well as support, encouragement, and follow-up until you achieve it.
Another purpose of coaching is to help you manage or focus your energy with adequate bioenergetic exercises.
For example, if you are going through a difficult phase like a breakup and need support. You may need an “energy detachment” session to call your energy back and free whatever energy does not belong to you, such as in separation, professional change, or job loss.
If you are losing weight and have goals, or you want to follow a precise routine and add discipline to your daily life, I can help you ensure that these new habits are there to stay, reinforce your intention, and achieve goals like weight loss/gain.
You are going through any changes, and you want to talk, relieve anxiety and work on limiting beliefs.
I propose a Holistic coaching package with Tarot readings and three or four meetings to guide and help you through a precise journey or goal, setting tangible targets according to your plans or working to transform, redirect and focus your energy.
These sessions can be adapted to any life situation, as mentioned above.
The first meeting is to identify your goal or problem and elaborate a plan of action. The second is to check how things are evolving and provide support, and the third and final session is to analyze the results and set new targets.